- Program normal
- Legal Entity: Bosch Rexroth Sales SRL
Descrierea companiei
The Bosch Blaj plant has been operating since 2007, being the first production unit opened by the Bosch Group in Romania. The road to excellence was initiated in Blaj in the industrial technology sector, subsequently consolidating into the production of sensors and electronic components for the automotive powertrain since 2013. Having people in the center, Bosch offers not just a workplace, but an inspiring experience. Extended benefits, specialized trainings and development programs reflect a commitment to the professional growth of employees.
Our promise to our colleagues is rock-solid: we grow together, we enjoy our work, and inspire each other. Join us and see the difference. Work #LikeABosch
Descrierea locului de muncă
- Asigura reparatia masinilor de pe liniile de fabricatie in concordanta cu solicitarile productiei;
- Efectueaza intretinerea periodica a masinilor din productie, conform cu recomandarile producatorului masinii;
- Cunoaste aparatele de masura si control si modul de masurare(subler, micrometru,etc)
- Face un releveu pentru o piesa defecta conform cu normele desenului tehnic
- Preluare schimb din punct de vedere tehnic (stare tehnica masini)
- Este responsabil pentru verificarile TPM
- Este responsabil pentru verificarea si curatarea dispozitivelor de proces cf plan de verificare, curatare.
- Verifica pompele de vacuum si goleste recipientele de colectare ulei
- Analizeaza defectul, constata daca este de natura mecanica sau electrica
- Studiaza desenele de ansamblu, subansamblu, piese ale masinilor
- Dezasambleaza subansamblele masinilor
- Primeste piesele de schimb din MAZE
- Dezasambleaza piese din subansamble si le inlocuieste cu altele noi
- Reasambleaza subansamblele si apoi le reasambleaza pe masini
- Asigura suport pentru eliberarea procesului de productie dupa reparatii
Studii în domeniul tehnic mecanic, liceu tehnic, școală profesională de specialitate;
Experiență/cunoștințe în domenii precum mecanică, hidraulică, pneumatic, rulmenți;
Cunoștințe bune despre procesele mecanice;
Cunoaște desen tehnic de ansamblu, pentru piese, simboluri pneumatica și hidraulică;
Capacitatea de a soluționa probleme;
Spirit organizatoric;
Informații suplimentare
#LikeABosch Benefits:
- Meal vouchers
- 25 holidays annually
- Flexible work schedule possibilities within Romania
- Relocation package
- Transportation support
- Company performance bonus
- Gift vouchers
- Spring bonus
- Summer bonus
- Loyalty bonus
- Seniority bonus
- Childbirth support
- Referral bonus - in case you recommend a friend for the company
- Language courses - a new language is the key to a new world, and we encourage you to attend these language courses in the company
- Medical services - health is the priority for us, so we offer medical services in the factory premises includes free of charge medical consultation and check-ups
- Sport and recreational possibilities - being active fosters great performance therefore we offer discounts for sports activities: zumba, aerobics, pillates, gyms, tennis, basketball, football, volleyball and many more
- Bosch projects that take you out of your comfort zone - we work on projects from start to finish and we take full responsibility for our products
- Opportunity to attend conferences - networking and exchanging ideas are an essential part of our professional life, so we invite you to attend local technical conferences and workshops.
- Internal development programs - experts and leaders need to continuously develops. That's why we have programs within the company development for project managers, line managers and specialist
- Trainings and certifications - your professional development and is a priority for us, so we invite you to participate at national and international technical trainings and soft skills.
- Diversity and multicultural mentality - represented over 10 different nationalities and languages are spoken by our colleagues