Venture Capital Analyst Summer Internship

  • Intern

Company Description

About Clayton Associates:

Clayton Associates was founded in 1996 by R. Clayton McWhorter, former founder of HealthTrust, Inc. and Chairman of Hospital Corporation of America (NYSE:HCA). Clayton Associates’ extensive operating experience and network of relationships creates strategic partnerships with entrepreneurs seeking access to capital and a partner to help in building a successful business.

Clayton Associates invests across the seed, angel, and venture stages. The firm's seed investments are done via Bullpen Ventures in the form of $25-75K investments to help companies get started. Rolling Hills Ventures is an Angel fund investing $500K-$1.5M in companies that are beginning to see traction.

The firm’s venture capital manager, FCA Venture Partners, has managed a total of five funds, including exited funds FCA I and FCA II, as well as three active funds, FCA III, IV, and their most recent fund, FCA V. Typical investment sizes range from $2 million to $6 million of equity in companies with experienced management teams who are implementing proven business models with well-defined exit strategies.

Job Description

We are seeking an undergraduate (rising Juniors, rising Seniors, or graduating Seniors) with specific industry experience in the Healthcare and Technology industries as well as a strong financial/analytical skills. The following is a list of some of the expected responsibilities for the role: Develop / review excel financial models and valuation models. Drafting information memorandums and management presentations, and managing due diligence efforts working directly with management teams. You should be smart, articulate, and passionate about startups and venture capital.

FCA's Goal for the Internship
To give you a crash course in venture capital that will consists of definable accomplishments as well as transferable skills that you can use throughout your career while also finding ways for you to add value within our organization and current workflow. The summer intern will report to the FCA Venture Partners Investment Team and be managed directly by Andrew Bouldin.


The summer internship will consist of three major areas of focus as follows:


Attending Relevant Meetings – Throughout your time at FCA we will do our best to immerse you in all relevant meetings. These will include Monday morning investment team meetings, pitch meetings, portfolio company update calls, board meetings, etc.

Perform a market analysis of a prospective investment – Your overarching project to be worked on during the entirety of the internship is to prepare a market analysis of a new investment or target industry. The deliverable at the end of the internship is a 20-40 page written report that can be distributed to the Investment team and the Advisory board. The report shall include the following a company analysis, market sizing, market trends, competitive analysis, and SWOT analysis.

Three 2-Week Crash Courses – In an effort to quickly teach you what each of our jobs encompass and the skills needed to work in a venture capital firm. You will spend two weeks on each of the following functional areas.

1. Business Plan Analysis – Review 20-40 selected business plans / presentations, which will include businesses a wide variety of industries, stages, success levels, financing requested, etc. The deliverable will be a written report with 3 pros and 3 cons about each business to be discussed with Andrew upon completion.

2. Company Specific Due Diligence – You will participate in the actual due diligence process for a new investment. This will include a review of all relevant business and legal documents prior to our leading the investment. Your deliverable will be to ensure that the approximately 100 business due diligence questions that we send to the company are properly answered.

3. Board Meeting Best Practices – You will attend board meetings in person throughout the internship, but you will also review the board presentations from 10-20 other meetings. Your deliverable at the end of this week will be a one page memo with recommendations on how to standardize our board meetings based on the best practices observed from the presentations you reviewed as well as several industry articles.


Internship Details:

Application Deadline: March 28th.

Interview process: We will interview the top candidates with the goal of making our offer by April 15th.

Internship Duration: This is a full summer internship and will run from roughly June 1st to August 1st depending on your school schedule and summer travel plans.

Compensation: This is a paid position. You will receive a summer stipend of approximately $2,000-$3,000.

Additional Information

**** Please use your "message to the hiring manager" in the application process to let us know why you are qualified for this position, what value you can bring to our firm, and why you are interested in learning about Startups/Venture Capital****