Kaiārahi – Te Wāhanga Ture | Faculty of Law
- Full-time
- Campus: Auckland City Campus
- Position Number: 55564706
- UoA Department Name: Law Administration
Company Description
Tukuna te rākau o te ture kia haria
Ki ngā maunga, ki ngā moana, ki ngā rohe, ki ngā iwi
Hei whakamana iwi, hei whakamana tangata
Hei turaki nei i ngā tau-arai o te wehe
Kia mana ai te tū o tēnā, o tēnā
E ngā mātanga tikanga, mātanga ture hoki kei ngā tōpito katoa o te Motu, o te Ao, tēnā koutou.
He tono tēnei ki te hunga e ngākau nui ana ki te te Ao Māori me te ture.
E wātea ana tētahi tūranga ki roto i Wāhanga Ture o Tāmaki Makaurau, Waipapa Taumata Rau-Auckland University.
Ko te tūranga Kaiārahi te tūranga e wātea ana.
E whai nei a Waipapa Taumata Rau ki te eke ki te taumata o ngā whare wānanga hei wāhi ako mō te Māori.
Heoi anō rā, e rapu ana mātou i tētahi mātanga hei kōkiri i ngā take Māori, hei mahi tahi me Te Tai Haruru, hei tautoko i Te Rākau Ture, hei whakaū anō i te wairua Māori ki roto i ngā āhuatanga katoa o Te Wāhanga Ture.
Ko ngā kupu mutunga ēnei o te haka o Te Rākau Ture e kapo ake ana i ō mātou whainga:
“Hikina te rākau o te ture kia ita, ita, ita e! Hi!”
Waipapa Taumata Rau | The University of Auckland
We are Aotearoa New Zealand’s leading university and one of the world’s major research universities. We employ over 5400 academic and professional staff to support over 41,000 students making us one of NZ’s largest employers.
Te Wāhanga Ture - The Auckland Law School is ranked as one of the best law schools in the world in the QS World University Rankings. It is the largest law school in New Zealand and has an international reputation for academic excellence.
Situated in the heart of the legal precinct, the Law School has strong links to the legal profession and the judiciary. The School aspires to provide a complete legal education, preparing students for legal practice as well as many other careers in an internationalised world. Its thriving undergraduate and postgraduate programmes offer the largest range of courses of any law faculty in Aotearoa New Zealand and attract high calibre students.
Job Description
Te Whiwhinga mahi | The opportunity
We have an exciting opportunity for a Kaiārahi to join our Law Faculty.
As our next Kaiārahi you will support the University’s commitment to te Tiriti o Waitangi and be able to demonstrate the principles and behaviours that support our commitment to equity including respect, manaakitanga, social justice and integrity.
We are looking for you to lead the development and execution of strategies for effective and enduring engagement with iwi and Māori, schools and enterprises.
You will take a leading role in the development and implementation of strategies for the recruitment, retention, success and completion of Māori students inclusion of Vision Mātauranga into the faculty’s research and curricular developments with respect to Tikanga Māori.
In this position, you will also work closely with the Dean and faculty leaders, and especially Te Tai Haruru, the Māori academic and student support rōpū, to develop and execute plans to achieve Māori staff equity goals, while ensuring the faculty is connected with relevant Māori engagement activities taking place across the University.
Some of your key responsibilities will involve:
- Acting as a key contact, cultural advisor and connector for our students and staff.
- Take a lead in ceremonies and events.
- Work with our staff to uplift their usage and understanding of Te reo Māori or/and implement projects with this aim.
- Lead or be heavily involved in the implementation of our legal accreditation project designed to implement Māori law/principles into our teaching and curriculum.
- Connecting with our wider community of Karārahi and the Pro vice-chancellor Māori office to drive wider organisational projects aligned to our Taumata Teitei.
- Working with our students to enhance their outcomes and experiences within the faculty.
- You will also be expected to support us with your advice with respect to te Ao Māori and Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Find out more about this role by viewing the position description.
He kōrero mōu | About you
We are seeking someone who is excited by the idea of bringing about positive change by acting as a guide, counsellor, leader and mentor to our students and staff as we work towards new ways of working and communicating through the implementation of our Taumata Teitei (Strategic Plan) within our Law Faculty.
Your application will stand out if you can talk to your experiences in the below areas, but we are interested in hearing from you without being too prescriptive.
- Demonstrable experience in leadership. Ideally, relevant to the tertiary sector.
- Experience of working with Māori iwi, enterprises, and community groups.
- Experience and understanding of equity issues in New Zealand, especially with relation to Māori and Pacific staff and students.
- Competency in te reo Māori.
- In depth knowledge of principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
- In depth understanding of tikanga Māori.
- Strategy development experience in a large/complex organisation could be an advantage but is not essential.
- It would be desirable for you to have experience within law, but this is not essential.
Ngā āhuatanga kei a mātou | What we offer
The University of Auckland is dedicated to providing an excellent and purpose driven environment for its employees. We strive to ensure a healthy work-life balance through:
- 37.5 hour work week
- Five weeks’ annual leave per annum with the option to buy and sell additional leave
- Up to 6.75% employer superannuation contribution
- Flexible employment practices, including working from home (WFH) and flexible hours
In addition, we also offer career development programmes, discounted car parking, a generous parental leave allowance, childcare and a number of other discounts on internal and external services.
For more information on the benefits of working here, see our Staff Benefits page.
Me pēhea te tuku tono | How to apply
Applications must be submitted online, by the closing date of 26 August 2022 to be considered. Please include your cover letter and your CV highlighting how you can meet the skills and experiences detailed above.
Please reach out to Neil Constable via neil.constable@auckland.ac.nz for a confidential conversation. Please note we are happy to answer your questions, but we do not accept applications by email.
Additional Information
Overseas Applicants
In response to COVID-19 the New Zealand Government imposed travel restrictions but have recently announced a five-step plan for a phased border re-opening. This phased re-opening will take some time and this may alter the nature of the standard interview process for offshore candidates, particularly at the on-site interview stage. To see how this might affect your application and for more information and updates on the border restrictions and phased re-opening, please visit the Immigration New Zealand website or the New Zealand Government's official Covid-19 website.
The University is committed to meeting its obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi and achieving equity outcomes for staff and students in a safe, inclusive and equitable environment. For further information on services for Māori, Pacific, women, LGBTQITakatāpui+, people with disabilities, parenting support, flexible work and other equity issues go to www.equity.auckland.ac.nz