Brand Guidelines
The official fonts to be used are Euclid Square, along with Inter for body copy.
Redefining Recruitment
Eyebrow - Euclid Square - Regular | Uppercase | 20% Tracking
The Future of Hiring is Finally Here
Headlines - Euclid Square - Regular | Uppercase | 20% Tracking
SmartRecruiters 3.0 — A Giant Leap in AI-Powered Hiring
Sub Head - Euclid Square - Regular + Bold Italic | Title Case | -1.5% Tracking
The traditional 9-to-5 is rapidly giving way to more flexible, dynamic work arrangements, which requires AI-transformative software—a fundamentally different way to approach software.
To meet this challenge, SmartRecruiters 3.0 is designed for this new era, where agility, speed, and intelligence are paramount for businesses to thrive.
Body Copy Inter - Regular + Bold Italic | 0.5% Tracking