Summer 2013 Photography Intern

  • Intern

Company Description

Star Tribune Media Company is Minnesota’s largest producer and distributor of news, information and advertising across multiple print and digital platforms, including newspaper, website, mobile, tablet and video formats. The Star Tribune newspaper and regularly reach more than two-thirds of the adults in the Twin Cities market or more than 1.7 million people. The company has been serving the Minneapolis/Saint Paul market for more than 144 years, providing trusted local and regional news and information produced by the largest force of professional journalists in the state. Star Tribune has more than 1,000 employees.

Job Description

The Star Tribune offers a 10-week summer photography internship. We recruit nationally for this program and pride ourselves on choosing talented, driven college and graduate students who can cover breaking news as well as enterprise stories. Our summer interns are paid the same as first-year professionals, $692 a week.

We provide:

  • a real-world experience in a major daily newsroom
  • a challenging and affirming environment that includes mentors as well as supervisors
  • weekly brown-bag lunch discussions on topics such as investigative reporting, narrative writing and multimedia storytelling

We expect our interns:

  • to develop their own story ideas and to run hard at the assignments we give them
  • to have a valid driver’s license and a reliable vehicle, if they’re working as a photographer or multimedia producer
  • to conduct themselves in a professional manner


The successful candidate’s portfolio will demonstrate still photography covering news, sports, features and storytelling projects. Multimedia skills are a plus.


Candidates for the position should have a strong visual sense for still photography. They should also have knowledge of Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, audio editing and slideshow production software.

Candidates for the position should show a strong, developing visual sense for still photography including, experience with all still formats. 

Most successful applicants have completed their junior year in college, worked for a college news outlet AND interned with at least one other professional daily news organization.  While we would never say never, the odds of your landing one of our internship spots are not very good if you’ve never interned at a professional newspaper, news magazine or website. We’re looking for budding journalists who’ve demonstrated they’re ready to make the most of this opportunity.

Your application, which must be uploaded or postmarked by Dec. 1, 2012, should include:

  • A portfolio of your best work, including pieces that demonstrate your ability to produce clear, compelling stories on deadline
  • A cover letter telling us what skills you’d bring to the position, why you want to be a journalist
  • A resume detailing your journalism experience as well as three references, including their titles, phone numbers and email addresses
  • Two letters of recommendation. At least one of those letters should come from an editor who’s seen you work in a professional environment on deadline. Please do not submit letters of reference from fellow student journalists.

Additional Information

How to apply online

  • With the exception of your portfolio, which should be submitted on a CD, we prefer that your application be submitted online. You can do that by clicking the link below.
  • Your CD should be mailed to Duchesne Drew at the address below. Please write summer photography internship on the envelope.
  • If you refer us to an online portfolio, make sure that it is well edited for this specific application.
  • You can upload your cover letter, resume and clips using our online tool, which accepts a number of file formats (PDF, JPEG, FIG, DOC, DOCX, TXT and BMP).
  • Our system will let you upload up to six files in addition to your cover letter and resume.
  • If you have more than six files to submit beyond your resume and cover letter, you should combine some of them.
  • None of your files can be larger than 2 MB.
  • You can complete your online application in stages by selecting the link marked “Continue later” at the bottom of each page. That will prompt the system to email you a case-sensitive username and password that you can use to sign in and finish at a later time.
  • We won’t see your application until you click submit. Once you take that step, you won’t be able to alter your application or attach additional documents to it.
  • If you apply online, your references can email letters of recommendation to with your name in the subject line, or snail mail them to Duchesne Drew (address below).  Please ask your references to write your name on the envelope.

The online application tool we use, SmartRecruiters, is optimized to work with Mozilla Firefox. Other browsers may not give you full functionality.


To submit your CD and/or other materials through snail mail:

  • Place all of your application materials in one envelope and send them to Duchesne Drew, Managing Editor for Operations, Star Tribune, 425 Portland Av., Minneapolis, MN 55488

If you have questions about the internship program, please reach out to our internship coordinators.

  • You can call Duchesne Drew at 612-673-7111 or email him at
  • Or you can call staff writer Neal Justin at 612-673-7431 or email him at

Job Location